
Saturday, 12 May 2012

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Before and after producing and completing our music video we arranged a number of tasks in order to gain information and feedback from our target audience. We used websites such as YouTube and Facebook to gain information from our audience which we would use to help us with our project. 

During the production stages of our project, feedback was critical. We needed to make sure we weren't wasting valuable time in getting conventions wrong because we weren't taking note of our feedback well enough. Throughout all the editing of our video we were constantly asking for people to view what we had so far to give us constructive criticism and what we had done well. This linked in with some of the theory work we had been doing in class towards our exam. By having direct contact with our audience it gave us the best possible chance to satisfy the needs of the consumer. 

A comment that came up frequently when asking for feedback was that our music video lacked consistency. We have such a variation of shots, however the shots had no different angles and therefore making the video look very jumpy. We took this on bored and decided to re-film shots to add more variety into the performance shots which we think worked. One of the comments we had prior to doing this was that as good as it was, it didn't really look like a music video. After we altered the video to meet these comments it flowed a lot better. 

A lot of our feedback told us that we had paid very close attention to detail which we were really happy about. Myself and Shannon spent a lot time making sure shots cut from one to the next on exactly the right beat and word. Our synchronisation is perfect and have edited the video very cleverly in that when certain shots we cutting from one to the next, things like hands movements were the same. We were really pleased to know that our hard work had paid off. 

The feedback we received for our ancillary tasks were also very positive. I am a very capable user of Photoshop therefore we as a team we able to use the program to the best of its ability. I feel out ancillary task is the strongest part of our project and someone noted that it looks very professional. 

At the end of all of our practical work we were both extremely happy with what we had produced. We had nothing but positive comments. If we were to re-visit the project there are certainly things we would change however we feel like we have worked very hard and in doing that producing a very strong piece of work.  

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