
Sunday 25 March 2012

Audience Theory

When looking at audience within the research stage of our production it is important to recognise and remember audience theories. Below are some key audience theories which could be a possible help influence on our final products.

The Hypodermic Syringe
The media is like a syringe which injects ideas, attitudes and beliefs into the audience who as a powerless mass, have little choice but to accept. For example a person might watch something violent and then may do something violent.

Two Step Flow
Another argument suggests that the masses will experience the media individuality but then they will discuss what they have watched with others and it is the discussion which can then influence people's opinions and behaviour.

Uses and Gratification Theory
We make the choices about what we watch, we also have certain expectations, we expect to be gratified by what we have watched. The types are as followed...

Personal identity
Social empathy/social personal interest

This may be more relevant to a short film project, however in our music video there will still be a strong element of narrative and despite the fact we are using song, we have chosen a song which tells a very clear story from start to finish.

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